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Star FabulousGroup
We are the best,ever!

Group Founder: izelda
Description: This group is about Single people.Here,we chat about how it is to be single,we also hook eachother up.Its all going to be Fun,laughter and importantly Fabulous.
Group Type: Public join
Members: 14
Category: Romance & Relationships > Singles

Topics (9)

go Mwah (0) izelda
Kiss fabulously.....

go Tell us (1) izelda
When was ur fabulous day and y?mine was 25 april 2009,it was my,when i received a car for my 16

go Fabulous presents! (2) izelda
What do u want on ur birthday or what fabulous present did you receive?,

go Mmmmm (1) izelda
Whats ur favrite dish?,somethng Fabulous would be Nice.

go Boys and girls (1) izelda
You love your boyfriend/girlfriend so much.what about them is so FABULOUS!,share it with us.

go Fabulosity (2) mwendalu
Wats ur own defination of fabulous,wat does bein fabulous mean 2u

go Fabulous (7) izelda
What makes u fabulous?

go Single (5) izelda
As a Fabulous person,tell me is it good being Single?

go Who will b da next person,lets (7) msjut
Simply friends u ve to tel da name of upcuming persn..its v simple..lets do it..

Polls (1)

go Does everything have to be Fabulous for you?

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